ice cube of sweden

Ice Cube Of Sweden

since 1997


The history of Ice Cube of Sweden took place a late night at a party in the little town Alsen located in Jämtland in northern Sweden.
In the very late night when the creativity was high lighted and the drinks was out of ice, one questions comes up – Why isn’t it any ice that never melts…

All of us start thinking, when suddenly …
– Soapstone!!! Janne shoutiong loudly from his part of the room
– What? what do you mean, howled all other of us in the room…
– Yes, you never thought about how generations after generations been used this type of stone to build great fireplaces ? Our grand grand grand parents fired them up with a lot of wood during the evening so the fireplace made of this specially stone kept the heat for a long long time until next day, if this very special stone can keep the heat it must also be able to keep the opposite, keep the coldness!

All of us was speechless when we looked at a very proud and happy friend, Janne, all of us include Janne gave our all thoughts – “can it really be so simple and easy?

Yes that simple and easy it was – The Ice That Never Melts” was born…

Now since many years passed those ice cubes are used in many of the Swedish homes, happily without any ice-problems and diluted drinks.

Thus that ICE CUBE OF SWEDEN™ also is very perfect to keep your mulled wine at x-mas time or any other warm berevage warm longer makes it not less advantages… …put the cubes into your microwave owen to get your warm beverage perfect to go longer.

See you!

ice cube of sweden
ice cube of sweden
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